Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Older Journal Entries


My baby boy,
I haven’t written to my little man in so long..
You're are getting so big..and so smart..you are already three years old..
You are such a good boy..you really are..and you're so sweet. 
You are already such a gentle man..you love to open doors for people..you get the ball for the little girls when they lose them and you run after them to give them back..
You always say please and thank you..
But don’t get me wrong.. you go through phases where every other word is a “bad word”
You absolutely hate time out but you don’t have to go there very often..your dad says I'm a push over though..and hes probably right;)
You are so sweet to your baby sister and help me around the house
You dress your self now and love to hear me say how handsome you are..and if I don’t you'll change into the outfit from yesterday because you don’t want to be “cute” you tell me you want to be “handsome”
The other day you had an accident and wet the bed..at least I think?? You came and woke me up in the morning and had already changed yourself into different, matching jammies and tell me u peed your pants..you had even put the dirty ones in the washer..
You always pick up your messes and go straight to the closet to put your shoes away when we come home..you like to clean up your messes with out telling me..which is always funny and I cant get mad because at least you're trying
You hate to be disciplined..you tell me I'm being mean to you and that I'm hurting your feelings..you occasionally even tell me you don’t like me any more
Your very smart and love to correct me when I'm wrong.. today you told me your sister was touching you and I said yup shes holding your hand..you said no shes holding my finger mom..this is my hand and point to your palm and say this is not my finger..funny
You always keep me on my toes
We are staying in our new apartment with your sister in Scottsdale,az..we have no furniture or anything because its all with your dad in Italy..
You still sleep with me like you always have..but now you're starting to fall asleep in the living room and it’s a biggg step because you would never go to bed with out me because you always say there's monsters. But you seem to be comfortable here..that makes me happy
I think your spoiled rotten ..and I don’t care..you don’t get much toys but I try to spoil you with my love..
I love you so much
Your my little buddy and I don’t know what I'd do with out you.
I stay home with you now because your dad is in the army.
Its hard for me staying home sometimes because I feel like we get bored..all you ever want to do is go swimming or to the park ..you ask every day..and I feel so bad because its hard being just me  and I have to watch your sister too.. I tell you all the time she will be big enough to play with soon.. you always want to play with her but shes only three months..she cant do anything much with you yet..but you get so excited when she looks at you..you always say, "shes looking at me mom" and when she holds your hand..and stuff like that,,you're so good with her..and so sweet..
You always told me when I was pregnant that you want to take care of her.. you were so sweet when I was pregnant and would tell meI'im sexy or beautiful.. you always rubbed my belly and would kiss it too.
I got so lucky with the both of you guys..you are both angels.
 I swore you would eat your sister.. you were always this little monster and still are.. you love movies..especially spiderman, batman, and ironman..you like Captain America too..anything” boy” you like.. 
You still like baseball..
You love to wrestle and jump on me or fight anyone whose willing.. there is nothing girly about you. 
You like guns and always tell everyone your going to shoot the bad guys..you use to wear a tie everywhere you went and said you were going to fight the monsters.
 If there's a puddle you're in it..
So you could imagine me being like oh nooo I'm having a girl..He's going to try and beat her up
Although, once we got her home from the hospital, you told me you wanted me to take her back to the store and you didn’t want her anymore
You started to play with a purse, that gramma gave you.
When your dad was visiting from Italy..he wasn’t having it.. I thought it was hilarious and you would even say where's my purse and have to bring it into the store.. we went to eat at Chick-Fil-A..you had your purse..and your dads dog tags..he was like uuuuhh??? No?? 
I figured out that you liked to wear it because in the movie Tangled the guy carries a satchel . either way it was so funny..
You love Woody and Buzz and you even wear your buzz costume all the time..even into stores and places
You just always want to be a super hero
You miss your dad..alot.. you tell me all the time and it breaks my heart.. you tell every one that your dads in the army and he lives in Italy and he boom booms bad guys or that he jumps out of airplanes.. You always tell me now that you want to go to the air park..which is the airport.. to get  him.
I just hope we can all be together soon.


My baby boy
You got your Captain America shield yesterday. That’s who you love this week..you love all the super heros. 
Avengers comes out May 4. I want to take you to it. It will be your first movie at the theater. Every time you see previews you almost have a heart attack..you get so excited.
You still love Spiderman of course.. you asked me the other day why you couldn’t shoot webs..I'm like because you aren’t a spider
We made bubbles yesterday and we blew them for a little while until you threw the wand over the balcony. You went and got a crate to stand on and you were about to go over the balcony to get it!!!..
I'm like baby.. what are you doing!!??  You were so mad at me because you wanted it and threw a fit.

You love girls in dresses. You always tell me when you see a girl that you like her dress.. or that she looks beautiful
You wear your sisters leggings and say you’re a bad guy.. with your boots.
You crack me up.
You always want to beat me up though. You're so rough with me..
 You like to watch the garbage truck.. which is good. Because you use to be so afraid of them.. you thought they were monsters.
You went to the bathroom yesterday and wiped your own butt.. I asked if you needed help and you told me never mind .No thanks I got it..
I love you so much
You can be so sweet
You started carrying your baby bear again and now shes a little girl you said and she fits into your sisters baby clothes..
So you have a shield in one hand and a little girl bear with pink pants in the other.. you're funny


My big boy
Your getting so grown up. I hate it. You sleep in your own room now. On your Spiderman bed.  You wake up sometimes and you will come and sleep with me. I must admit.. I don’t mind. I don’t want you to sleep by yourself. I feel like you are so far away. Im going to be such a mess when you go to school, then to college..so sad. Im glad you're only three.
You say how old you are and hold up your first 2 fingers then your pinking finger. You hold down your ring finger with your thumb.
You're getting really good with your alphabet. You love W. why? I don’t know. But its funny because you say it all the time and you point it out on signs. You even say it perfect. Which is good since you have one in your name.
You love playing on my computer. Your really good.like freakishly good with your shapes and numbers you prefer games with numbers over letters.
You still think you're a super hero
 You were sad because we lost sandlot. Im sure ill have to buy it again for you, for the third time. thank god its cheap.
You are such a sweetheart. You love to take care of your sister. You getting really good at playing by yourself in your room now and not wanting so much of my attention when I'm feeding her.
You tell me that I'm being loud now when she is sleeping.
We are just waiting for your dads reassignment to go through. then we can all be together finally..hopefully. I miss him so much.
You asked me the other night if I loved him. I said yes of course. Then you said you didn’t want him in Italy anymore and that you were going to go get him for me. It was precious and sad at the same time.
You are such a little man already. Its like you already take care of me and don’t even realize it.
You like to help take out the trash. When we were moving in stuff, like the couch, you wanted to help. And you did.
Your extremely independent already. If I tell you you  can’t have something, you go get it anyway of course.
When you get in trouble you tell me you’re going to run away and that I'm never going to see you again. Meany.
I think today is the day I'm going to take you to the movies..so you can see” Ironman and Captain America(avenger)" you want to see it so bad.
So I got to take a shower. We have to go early enough so no ones there.haha.
You're funny .
You are always trying to make your sister laugh and she is just in awe over you. She loves to laugh at you.
You always want me to tell you I love you.
You always ask” why you bought me this?” Because I always answer because I love you. And you always ask ”mom, you love  me?”
I always say of course. very much;)

You are getting so smart. And so big. You still think you are a superhero. You are different one everyday. Which also means whenever  you are the
Hulk you want to be naked..no matter where we are..
You are still going to Spanish class and you seem to like it. You ask me all the time..what is this? Meaning what color is this.. everything is blanco to you. But you say the other colors really well.
So we started a “good boy” jar. Everything you do that’s good you get some change and sometimes even a dollar. So then when you are good you can buy Captain America..and the hulk..and Batman's motorcycle;)
But I realized, that since my answer to you always asking why I bought you something,is because I love you, that you get really sad when I don’t buy you something and you say that I don’t love you… So that’s definitely a bad habit I don’t want to start.. 
So now I feel like you'll be able to see why you get things you want and that you get them from working hard. Its hard because you're 3… but I don’t want you to get in the habit of thinking that someone has to buy you something to show that they love you..
Anyway, so for 4th of July we went to Tucson to stay with Madison, Marc and Connor. You seem to have so much fun there. You never want to leave.
We all went to our friend Felicia's house. They had a jumping castle and a kiddy pool and a piƱata and you loved all of it. You guys roasted marshmallows.
You wanted to wrestle all the big kids on the jumping castle of course.
You followed Mia everywhere and would carry her baby doll for her. 
Or push the babies stroller. 
You kept asking me if you could get naked because you wanted to show her your muscles.
When we got back to Madison's  that night and we were laying in bed, you said mom.. I kissed Mia.
I said you did what? 
You said.. I kissed Mia. 
Im like where? 
You said.. on the lips.. I said do you like Mia? And you said uh huh..but I was just trying to get out of you if it was a kiss like you didn’t know any better.. but I think you did.. so I'm like oh no baby.. girls have kooties.. and of course you said nuh uh.. like no they don’t…
Oh boy…
Right now you love the Tom and Jerry cartoons.. you say they are "your show".
I make you watch other shows to help you with your  Spanish.
You whine a lot lately.. a lot..I can tell its because your dad is gone. You get mad when I talk to him.. but get madder when I get off the computer with him. Today I turned off the TV and put you in time out. I talked to you and told you weren’t a bad boy but if you need time out from yourself I'm going to start putting you there.. you didn’t whine the rest of the day.. so we will see.. I think I'm going to stick with that for now.